dilluns, 31 d’octubre del 2016

Schools around the world

Hi guys!!!And welcome back to my blog!! So today I'm going to share with you a School composition about differents Spanish Schools. I hope you like and just enjoy!!

Do Spanish schoolchildren have something in common? Apart from the 6 hours spent five days per week in school, do we have many more things in common? Are there differences between state and private/public high schools?
In Spain a normal student starts his compulsory education at the age of six, but in our country normally we start it before, in the kindergarten at the age of 3. There are 6 grades in primary school and at the age of 12 you must start high school and there, you spend four more years called ESO (obligatory secondary education) until you reach “BACHILLERATO”. This is two more years which are a training for your future University degree. If you do not want to study , you can study a “Cicle Superior”. In Catalonia all the students must take two important exams called “Competències Bàsiques when you have finished primary school and when you have finished secondary school.
I am a fourteen girl year old and I’m doing third of ESO in a state high school and I’m studying ten subjects for my next “Competències Bàsiques”. There are obligatory subjects like Mathematics and Catalan but there are optional, like German or robotics. My favorite subjects are English and Spanish, and I do some extra-curricular activities. I play volleyball twice a week for 2 hours in total. I join a drama club in my city twice a week too for three hours ,and the last thing that I do is going to English classes three hours. In total 8 hours of extra-curricular activities but with our timetable subject missing here is available ,  because I start school at 8.30 and I finished at 3 o’clock.
There are a few differences between a state and private school. The first one is the timetable.In a state school we do intensive schedule and private school students do not. Another difference is that normally private school students have to wear uniform and we don’t wear uniform.
In conclusion, there are not too many differences between a state and a public/private school and all Spanish students have a very good education, not only focused on theory also on our feelings.
Resultado de imagen de escuelas