dissabte, 18 de juny del 2016

Hello guys another time . I come back and for today's publication I'm gonna share with you a composition about La Patum! Do you want to know more about it?Let's read!I hope you like...

La Patum” is an important and traditional festival , that is celebrated each year in Catalonia , Berga , during the celebration of Corpus Christi in May.
La Patum" has its origins in pre-Christian celebrations of the Summer solstice, which were recycled and given new symbolism by the Catholic Church. In Berga, the earliest conserved reference to a Corpus processions is in 1454.
Since it’s origins Corpus processions , started to incorpored escenifications and with the pass of time it will called “entremesos”.The main objective was  the education and the moralization for all the people. A lot of times this escenifications were often simples christinifications , it were readapted and it were representated by different scenes about the scriptures sacred.
Now a days It consist of a series of dances by townspeople that they wore costumes of mystical and symbolical figures, and accompanied either by the rhythm of a drum . There are also representations in the streets with the citizen participation and the most characteristic in this festival is the presence of fire and fireworks .It represents a fighting between moors and Christians.

In 2005 La Patum had been declarated  Masterpiece of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO.

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